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  3. Profile
  4. How to Manage Your Profile Information

How to Manage Your Profile Information

This article explains how to manage your profile information.

Note : The PlanetHoster Glossary contains explanations on multiple topics and can be consulted to clarify certain terms.


Enter the following address in your web browserhttps://my.planethoster.com.

Profile Interface Functions

By clicking on My account -> Profile in the menu, the following interface is displayed on the right of the screen:

The following table describes the purpose of each portion of this interface:

AContact InformationInformation necessary for PlanetHoster to contact the account holder.
BPasswordPassword used when logging on to https://my.planethoster.com.
CAdditional Information (Optional)Additional information about the contact and his company.
DAccount PreferencesSet preferences for communication, language, etc.
ECredit CardInformation about the credit card used for billing.
FSocial Media AccountsSocial media addresses to link to the account.

The Edit icon lets you change your profile information:

The Cancel icon lets you cancel a change in progress:

Contact Information

All information is editable, with the exception of First Name and Last Name.


You can change your login password as follows:

  1. Click on the Edit icon to open the Password window:
AExisting Password : field for entering the old password.
BNew Password : field for entering the desired password.
CIcon to show or hide the password entered in the field.
DIcon indicating whether the password is secure enough (closed padlock on green background) or not (open padlock on red background).
EIcon for randomly generating a secure password.
FIcon for copying password. It is stored in memory and can be transcribed elsewhere using the “paste” function (CTRL + V).
GChange Password : button to save the new password.

Additional Information

These details are optional.

Note : Please note that the Company Name field must be used if you wish to enter a VAT number for invoicing purposes.

Account Preferences

To modify account preferences :

  1. Click on the Edit icon to open the Account Preferences window:
ACommunication : choose from the drop-down list the means by which you wish PlanetHoster to communicate with you.
BDefault Language : choose from the drop-down list the language in which you would like PlanetHoster to communicate with you.
CBills in PDF : indicate Yes if you wish to receive a copy of paid invoices in PDF format.
DDomain suggestion emails : indicate Yes if you wish to receive e-mails suggesting domains (suggestions based on your latest domain purchases).
ESave : button to record modified information.

Social Media Accounts

You can easily link the following social media sites:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Whatsapp
  • Skype
  • Signal
  • LinkedIn

To do this, click on the Edit Account icon and use the Social Media Accounts window :

  1. Link the social media account by entering the full URL :
  1. Click on the Save icon.
Updated on 14 February 2025

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