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How to modify the database configuration file

In this guide, you will learn about the values ​​to change in the different database connection files for your CMS.



Find the wp-config.php file via FTP. Here are the values ​​to change:

// ** MySQL Settings – Your web host must provide you with this information. ** //

/ ** Name of the WordPress database. * / define (‘DB_NAME’, ‘your_db_name’); / ** MySQL database user. * / define (‘DB_USER’, ‘your_db_user’);

/ ** Password of the MySQL database. * / define (‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘your_db_mdp’);

/ ** Address of MySQL hosting. * / define (‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’);



Find the “settings.inc.php” file via FTP. Here are the values ​​to change:
<? Php define (‘_ DB_SERVER_’, ‘localhost’);

define (‘_ DB_NAME_’, ‘your_db_name’);

define (‘_ DB_USER_’, ‘your_db_user’);

define (‘_ DB_PASSWD_’, ‘your_db_mdp’);



Find the file “configuration.php” via FTP. Here are the values ​​to change:
public $ host = ‘localhost’;

public $ user = ‘your_db_user’; public $ password = ‘your_db_mdp’;

public $ db = ‘your_db_name’;


Other versions of Joomla:

Find the file “configuration.php” via FTP. Here are the values ​​to change:

var $ host = ‘localhost’;

var $ user = ‘your_db_user’;

var $ password = ‘your_db_mdp’;

var $ db = ‘your_db_name’;


Updated on 18 August 2021

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