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  4. How to Use the Invoices History

How to Use the Invoices History

This article explains how to use invoices history interface.

Note : The PlanetHoster Glossary contains explanations on multiple topics and can be consulted to clarify certain terms.


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Interface Functions

By clicking on Billing -> History, the following interface is displayed on the right of the screen:

The following table describes the purpose of each portion of this interface:

AFilteringFilters can be used for the History.
BInformations display areaDisplay area for information specific to the History.
CAdd Funds / Credit TransferButton giving access to the interface of the same name, that is, for adding funds for automatic invoices payment or for transferring your credits between two PlanetHoster accounts (how).


  1. Use the Filters checkboxes if you wish to display only certain invoices, and click on the Filter button:
  1. Invoices History is then displayed:
INVOICEInvoice number.
INVOICE DATEDate on which the invoice was issued.
DUE DATEDate by which the invoice must be paid.
TOTALTotal invoice amount.
STATUSTo indicate if the invoice has been paid, is unpaid, etc.
MANAGETo access the invoice management interface, click on the See invoice icon, which appears under MANAGE — both in the History and in the Balance Sheet (how).
Updated on 7 February 2024

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