How to Create Tickets

This article explains how to use the Create a New Ticket interface, which guides you step-by-step through the process.

Note: The PlanetHoster glossary contains explanations on many subjects and can be consulted to clarify certain terms.


Enter the following address in your web browser:

How to Create a New Ticket

The interface guides you step by step through the process of creating a ticket.

Go to My Support – > Create a New Ticket in the menu.

Radio buttons to select the department best placed to solve the problem.
Technical Support: technical problems (bugs, etc.).

Commercial / Billing: any problem relating to financial matters.

Sales: used mainly those who contact the support via the contact form (future customers).
PlanetHoster service.
For exemple : World, HybridCloud, VPN, etc.
Cursor used to define priority.
This helps us to compare notes with each other and to pay attention to the most critical ones first.

See How to prioritise.
High-level description of the problem.
Field allowing you to write to technical support with all the details you require.
Please provide as much detail as possible to enable us to help you.

The clearer and more precise you are, the better and quicker we can serve you.
FSection for attaching files.By clicking on Add attachment(s) or drop file(s) here, you will see an interface that allows you to include the attachments, one at a time.
GThe YES option allows you to share your password in complete security.You will need to enter your password, as only you know it.

The password is encrypted and is only visible to support staff. We keep the password for a period of 7 days.
HClick on the Create button when you are finished.Your ticket will be registered and sent to technical support.

How to Establish Priority

The notion of priority is subjective. Although it would be risky to establish a precise definition for each category, we can nevertheless issue a few guidelines to help interpret them.

Normally, priority levels vary according to the losses the bug causes or its impact. To illustrate our point, we will take two examples: a website availability problem and a blocked IP address problem. The problem can be classified from normal to critical according to its impact.

Interpretation with the website availability exampleInterpretation with the blocked IP example
NormalI am the only person who cannot access my site.Only one customer is blocked because he changed his password (I can fix it myself but I don’t know how).
MediumMy friend and I are the only people without access to the site.An IP is blocked, but when I unblock it, it immediately blocks again (I don’t know what to do).
HighNot everyone in my town has access to my site, but the rest of the world does.I cannot unblock the IPs.
UrgentThe whole country cannot access my site, but the rest of the world can.I cannot unblock IPs and the problem must be solved in the shortest possible time.
EmergencyThe whole continent cannot access my site, but the rest of the world can.My personal IP is blocked, which prevents me from running my site.
CriticalNo one in the world has access to the site.All the IPs are blocked and this has a negative impact on my turnover.
Updated on 16 January 2024

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