Configure an Amazon S3 backup in the WHM The purpose of this article is to provide a guide for setting up Amazon backups. S3 in the WHM interface,...
Change WHM language By default, our HybridCloud and dedicated servers are configured in English for the sole purpose of making the setting of...
Ajouter ou configurer un package via le WHM Un Package est une ensemble de spécifications/restrictions prédéfinies qui définissent ce qu’un utilisateur ou un domaine pourra utiliser dans le...
Add multiple domains on the same cPanel If you need to add a domain to your cPanel account you will first need to know if this domain...
Convert an additional domain to a cPanel account CPanel & WHM tip: Do you know? This information is intended for the owners of HybridCloud servers, VPS plans or Reseller hosting...
How to create an email address in cPanel 1. Access the cPanel via your client area >> My services >> My Portfolio. 2. Find/click on the Email Accounts tool. 3....
Remote Access to a Database Accessing your MySQL database from a remote server can be useful in case you would like to connect directly to...
Range / IPExtension The IP Extension tool allows you to assign a different IP that will serve as a proxy (like CloudFlare) to...