How to Transfer a Squarespace Domain to PlanetHoster


In this article, we explain how to transfer a domain hosted at Squarespace to PlanetHoster1. With this connection method, PlanetHoster also hosts your DNS.

Transferring a Squarespace domain to PlanetHoster is possible if it has been at least 60 days since it was registered or transferred to Squarespace. The transfer can take up to ten business days.

Note: The PlanetHoster Glossary contains explanations on multiple topics and can be consulted to clarify certain terms.

1 In other words, your domain is no longer registered with its current registrar (Squarespace), but rather with PlanetHoster.


Procedure to Transfer a Domain

1. Open the Home menu in Squarespace and click on Settings > Domains:

2. Click on the domain you wish to transfer:

3. Scroll down and uncheck the Lock Domain option: 

Please note that :

  • if you do not see the Lock Domain option, your domain is already unlocked and you can proceed to the next step;
  • if you cannot uncheck the Lock Domain option, it means that your domain is currently locked due to the 60-day transfer rule or the optional 60-day lock due to a change in owner information.

4. Click on the SEND TRANSFER AUTHENTICATION CODE button that appears at the bottom of the panel. This will send an e-mail message with a unique authentication code2 to the domain’s administrative contact:

  • if you do not know the email address of the domain’s administrative contact or want to change it, open the domain’s registration information. This email address may be different from the one you use to log in to Squarespace;
  • for domains with the .BE extension, this request must be made directly to the DNS Belgium3 organization. PlanetHoster can make this request for you: just raise a ticket and an email message with the transfer code and necessary instructions will be sent to you.

5. Check your inbox for an email message from with the subject line: “Auth code for []”. If you do not receive this message within a few minutes, see Troubleshooting.

6. Copy the transfer authentication code from the email and send it to PlanetHoster.

2 Also called EPP code, transfer key or authorization code.
3 Readers wishing to go deeper into the subject can consult the Belgian guide “More info on the transfer code“.

Transfer Confirmation

The transfer will be completed within five working days for domains under ICANN (.net, .org, etc.). For the others, it will vary between 0 and 10 days.

Once the domain is transferred to PlanetHoster, it will be displayed in the Domains panel as a third-party domain. If you want to use the domain for another site, you can disconnect it.

Canceling the Transfer (if Needed)

If you change your mind and decide to keep your domain with Squarespace, go back to the domain in your Domains panel before sending the transfer authentication code to PlanetHoster, and check Lock Domain.

After sending the code, you can cancel the transfer via the confirmation email message you received from Squarespace after following the steps in this guide. If you did not receive this message, or if you do not see an option to cancel the transfer, raise a ticket to get help from PlanetHoster.


The following lines are intended to guide you through any domain transfer difficulties. 

However, if your domain has still not been transferred after ten business days even though you have strictly followed the instructions in this article, it is recommended that you seek help from PlanetHoster technical support.

The Transfer Authentication Code Has not Been Received in my Inbox.

If you do not receive the transfer authentication code within a few minutes, check your Spam or Junk folder.

If you don’t find the email there, check your domain Admin Contact email in the REGISTRATION INFORMATION panel, and update it if necessary. Click SEND TRANSFER AUTHENTICATION CODE again to resend the email to the correct address.

If you still do not receive the email, open a ticket so Squarespace customer service helps you.

PlanetHoster Says the Transfer Code is Invalid or Expired.

Clicking Send Transfer Authentication Code more than once may send multiple unique transfer codes. 

If you have many transfer code emails in your inbox, ensure that you send the most recent code to PlanetHoster (all other codes are invalid).

Disabling the lock.

PlanetHoster always requests to disable the lock (client transfer prohibited). As explained before, make sure the Lock Domain option is not checked.

The Squarespace Domain is Expired.

PlanetHoster accepts the transfer of an expired Squarespace domain, provided it is still in its grace period.

Squarespace DNS Settings Cannot be Edited.

After PlanetHoster accepts your transfer, you cannot edit the DNS of the domain or name server settings through Squarespace. If you attempt to update anything in the ADVANCED SETTINGS panel of the domain, you will see an error message. 

To change these, wait for the domain to fully transfer to PlanetHoster, then follow our instructions explained in DNS Management.

PlanetHoster Cannot Transfer the Domain.

If PlanetHoster cannot accept your domain, first ensure that you have had your domain with Squarespace for at least 60 days4.

Next, ensure that you’ve unlocked the domain within Squarespace. If Lock Domain is already unchecked, check it again, then uncheck it once more.

If you’re still having trouble, open a ticket, and we will be happy to help.

The Domain Has not Transferred to PlanetHoster.

Domain transfers can take up to ten business days. If you want this done immediately, you must ask Squarespace in writing to accept the transfer. Squarespace has no right to refuse, as ICANN requires all hosts to do so.

This timing is out of the control of Squarespace and PlanetHoster5.

4 Domains active for less than 60 days can’t be transferred.
5 PlanetHoster can only act when it is an outgoing domain.

Updated on 30 November 2023

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