How to Manage PHP and its Multiple Options for HybridCloud


If you use N0C platform, please refer to the article How to Use PHP Interface.

Your HybridCloud server allows you, just like on our The World offer, to isolate your sites in separate hosting accounts.

If you do not use N0C panel, however, the management of PHP options and the selection of PHP version differs greatly since it is done directly via another interface compared to our World accommodations. The following article will describe in detail how to select the PHP version for a given site, how to adjust the basic PHP options, and finally how to manually modify the options via the php.ini file. Select a version of PHP

Select a version of PHP

Via the WHM 

1- Log in to your WHM -> Software -> MultiPHP Manager or search for the term “MultiPHP” in the search tool and click on MultiPHP Manager in the navigation pane of the WHM interface:

2- In the tab named “PHP Versions” you will find several parameters:

System PHP Version: Allows you to change the default PHP version for new cPanel accounts you create

PHP-FPM System: Allows you to enable or disable PHP-FPM en masse for all accounts

The activation of PHP-FPM will drastically increase the performance of your site. We, therefore, recommend using PHP-FPM for all your sites!

Finally, at the bottom of this page is the part that interests us most: “Set PHP Version per Domain”. This is where you find the list of your different sites and so you can change the version of PHP for each of them:

In order to change the version of PHP, check the site to update in this case “blog.planethoster.tuto”:

3- Once the domain or domains for which you want to change the version of PHP checked, it is now necessary to choose the version of PHP in the menu named PHP Version and click on the blue button “Apply”:

4- Following this, the application of the change will be done automatically within one minute. Your site may be unavailable for a few seconds.

Via the cPanel

1- Connect to your cPanel, either to your domain.ext / cPanel or directly from your WHM >> List Accounts >> cP icon on the line corresponding to the desired account:

2- Browse the sections and find the section “Software” or “Software” and click on the MultiPHP Manager:

3- Check the desired site in the list (1) and choose the desired version of PHP from the drop-down menu (2). Then click on the blue “Apply” button (3) to apply the version change of PHP via the cPanel: Here! The PHP version has been modified for a site directly via the cPanel panel:

Adjust PHP options

Via the WHM (affects all sites)

1- Log in to your WHM -> Software -> MultiPHP INI Editor or search for the term MultiPHP in the search tool and click on MultiPHP INI Editor in the navigation pane of the WHM interface:

2- Most of the basic options will be in the “Basic Mode” tab, you just have to choose the version of PHP you want from the drop-down menu to start to apply changes:

Modification of the PHP.ini via the cPanel (affects the desired site)

1- Connect to your cPanel, either to your domain.ext / cPanel or directly from your WHM >> List Accounts >>> cP icon on the line corresponding to the desired account:

2- In the cPanel, section “Software” or “Software” select the MultiPHP INI Editor:

3- In the MultiPHP INI editor, you must choose either the basic mode:

The basic mode will allow you to quickly and easily adjust most of the PHP options most commonly requested by your sites, maximum limit in (Upload), PHP execution time, etc.:

Simply make the desired changes and click the Save button at the bottom of the page to apply the changes.

Experts: Modification du PHP.INI

Before modifying the PHP.ini file, it is best to take a backup copy of php.ini

Modification of PHP.ini via cPanel

1- Connect to your cPanel, either to your domain.ext / cPanel or directly from your WHM >> List Accounts >>> cP icon on the line corresponding to the desired account:

2- In the cPanel, section “Software” or “Software” select the MultiPHP INI Editor:

3- In the MultiPHP INI editor, choose the expert mode (Editor mode):

4- Then choose the domain name from the drop-down menu for which you want to apply a custom configuration in PHP.ini:

5- You are now in the PHP.ini editor, add the options you want for example max_execution_time = 300 and click on the blue Save button to apply the modification:

Congratulations! You have changed the PHP settings for a given site via cPanel!

Modification of PHP.ini via the WHM (affects all sites)

1- Log in to your WHM -> Software -> MultiPHP INI Editor or look for the term MultiPHP in the search tool and click on MultiPHP INI Editor in the navigation pane of the WHM interface:

2- Choose the Editor mode tab to manually change the PHP.ini settings and the PHP version to modify in the drop-down menu:

3- Once the version of PHP chooses the current file is loaded in the text editor, simply make the desired changes, example max_execution_time 900 and click on the blue button “Save” to apply the change:

Congratulations! you have successfully modified your php.ini for the desired PHP version on the server.

Updated on 27 March 2024

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