What is AutoPeakPower (APP) – Burst Power?

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On HybridCloud, your resources are 100% dedicated. No matter what time of day or day, you can consume all your resources 24/7. Nevertheless, what would you do if you receive 100,000 visitors unexpectedly? The logic says to increase resources (CPU + RAM).

You will need to log in to your client area and adjust the resources accordingly. It should be noted that traditionally the upgrade is pro-rated. What are you doing if you are in the unavailability of adjusting the resources yourself (you are traveling for example ..)?

Your server will overload to the point of being unavailable! Be reassured, we thought of a solution => AutoPeakPower (APP) At PlanetHoster, all your servers are 100% managed.

So we know when there is an overload, a high number of visitors and so on. Essentially, if your server has a very high influx of visitors and therefore your dedicated resources start to run out, automatically, APP will boost your CPU and RAM 2.5x and up to 48 hours total (block 6h so you have the right to 8 free boosts a month!). Example with initial configuration HybridCloud (“2CPU 4GB RAM”)

HybridCloud2 Cores4GB
Burst 2.5x5 Cores10GB

So you get 2.5x CPU + RAM resources with AutoPeakPower. And of course it’s included for free with your HybridCloud

Updated on 3 April 2024

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