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  5. The World: Getting Started Guide

The World: Getting Started Guide


The General Information of your The World hosting are centralized in an interface allowing to consult them easily. The interface also allows you to choose a package (Standard or Pro) and to adjust resources (for example, when you want to create additional hosting accounts, you need to increase them). You can also cancel a The World service.

This article explains how to use this interface.

Be careful not to confuse the deletion of an N0C account from The World portfolio (how) with the cancellation of The World offer discussed in this article.

Note: The PlanetHoster Glossary contains explanations on multiple topics and can be consulted to clarify certain terms.

Advantages of PlanetHoster’s approach

PlanetHoster’s offer, which enables the creation of several independent N0C accounts rather than offering a single access to a cPanel account, offers high availability.

This unique approach is a key — and often overlooked — advantage for our customers (how).


Enter the following address in your web browser: https://my.planethoster.com/.

Access to the Interface

  1. Go to Billing -> Hostings.
  2. Click on the product The World or on the Manage icon:
  1. When doing so, you will see the following interface :

General Information and Billing

StatusIndicator that shows whether the hosting account is Active, Suspended or in another state.
ModeYour World accommodation package: Standard or Pro.
Registration DateDate the hosting account was created.
Biling CycleFrequency at which the recurring amount is paid. The frequency can be changed by clicking on the pencil icon1.
Recurring AmountAmount that is systematically paid according to the billing cycle.
Next InvoiceDate on which the hosting will expire.
Payment MethodPayment method you used (credit card, PayPal, etc.).

Resources, Disk Space Usage and Number of World Hosting Accounts

CPUCPU is the maximum number of cores of the hosting.
The ratio between the number of CPU cores requested at a given time by all accounts and the maximum number of cores of the hosting is also indicated.
MemoryThe Memory is the maximum amount of RAM memory of The World in GB.
The ratio between the RAM memory currently used by the accounts and the maximum amount of memory of The World is also indicated.
Disk I/ODisk I/O is the maximum number of I/O operations in MB/s.
The ratio of the number of I/O operations (at the time of execution of a combination of read and write tests) for all accounts to the maximum number of I/O operations is also shown.
Disk Space UsageTotal disk space used in GB to store files, databases, emails, etc. on all accounts.
Number of World Hosting AccountsNumber of active hosting accounts and number of suspended accounts.

Modification of the Plan

You can choose the server resources and package that best suit your needs.

  1. Click on the Modify Plan button:
  1. Choose your bundle (package) by clicking on the Standard or Pro radio buttons :
  1. Using the sliders, adjust the server resources to your specific needs.
  2. Click on the Apply button.
  3. The Update Summary provides the details of the invoice.
  4. Click on the Continue button.
  5. The invoice is then displayed.

Note : The screenshots do not reflect the most current pricing.

Cancellation of a The World Package

In the event that you wish to interrupt your hosting:

  1. Click on the Cancel Package button:
  1. Enter the Password of your customer account (this is the same password you use in the Member Area Login window):
  1. Describe the Reason for Cancellation (PlanetHoster uses this information for statistical and continuous improvement purposes).
  2. Use the Cancellation Type drop-down list to indicate whether the cancellation should be done at the End of billing period or should be Immediate.
  3. Click on the Cancel the Account button.

Note : No cancellation is instantaneous. You have to wait until the next day for it to take effect.

  1. Definitions: monthly (twelve times a year), quarterly (four times a year), semi-annual (twice a year), annual (once a year), biennial (every two years), triennial (every three years), etc.  ↩︎
Updated on 28 October 2024

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