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How to Take Advantage of Hosting Accounts


The removal of an N0C account from The World portfolio can be confused with the cancellation of The World offer.

Much of the confusion stems from the fact that many competitors offer a single access to a cPanel account, while PlanetHoster’s offer, which allows the creation of several independent N0C accounts, offers high availability. This unique approach to the market represents a key – and often overlooked – advantage for our customers.

In this article, we’ll look at the features of each N0C account.

Note The PlanetHoster Glossary contains explanations on multiple topics and can be consulted to clarify certain terms.

N0C Account Features

Each N0C account has these features, which are of great benefit to our customers:

  • a separate IP address;
  • independent identifiers for the N0C panel;
  • independent infrastructure;
  • a different location if necessary;
  • independent, customizable WAF;
  • independent backup;
  • independent N0C Storage bucket;
  • inbound and outbound messaging with separate IP addresses;
  • an independent SSL certificate; and
  • an independent Wildcard SSL certificate for subdomains.
Updated on 8 November 2023

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