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  2. Domain Names
  3. Domain Management
  4. How to Plan Domain Name Renewal Over Several Years

How to Plan Domain Name Renewal Over Several Years

It is wise to protect your domain name(s) for several years in advance. The longer the registration period, the better off you will be, because the cost of domains increases from year to year as a result of variations. The interface in V2 has been thought to help you easily up to 10 years in advance!

Note : Fees related to domain names are not refundable, as they are transmitted directly to the various registrars.

Note : The glossary of PlanetHoster contains explanations on a wide range of subjects and can be consulted to clarify certain terms.


Enter the following address in your web browser: https://my.planethoster.com.

Planning of Renewals Over Several Years

  1. Open the management interface of the domain you wish to automatically renew, as explained in How to Manage a Domain article.
  2. Choose the number of years from the drop-down list:
  1. Click on the Renew button.
  2. This automatically displays the invoice, which is unpaid at this time:
  1. We advise you to pay immediately. To do identify the payment method and complete order (How-to).
Updated on 19 February 2025

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