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  3. Specific conditions of the domains
  4. Switzerland (.ch) Domain Specifications

Switzerland (.ch) Domain Specifications


In this article, we will explain the policies regarding Switzerland.

The reader is encouraged to understand all the concepts and terms outlined in the Basics before proceeding further with this article. In fact, this article is written on the premise that the reader is familiar with the terminology used.


Go to: https://my.planethoster.com.


If necessary, refer to the article about Country-Code Domain Specifications.


The .ch TLD is an open registry: it is not necessary to be a Switzerland resident or a commercial operator to register a .ch domain.

However, if the holder is not located in Switzerland, he must be able to provide an authorized contact located in Switzerland who can receive official or judicial documents on his behalf.

Specifications of the Name Fields in the Swiss “.ch” ccTLD


Domain Transfer Specifications

If a domain transfer is made, the expiration date becomes the date of the transfer plus one year.

Additional information

For additional information, please refer to https://www.switch.ch/.

Updated on 7 February 2024

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