How to Manage a Domain

The interface in V2 gives access to multiple functionalities specific to the management of a domain.

In this article, we will take a brief look at this interface. As we go along, detailed articles will be referenced.

This article applies to all domains acquired or transferred to PlanetHoster, whether hosted or not. The article does not cover the management of a web hosting at PlanetHoster.

Note: For advanced users and resellers, an API is available:

Note: The PlanetHoster Glossary contains explanations on multiple topics and can be consulted to clarify certain terms.

Note: “V2” means “Version 2”.


Enter the following address in your web browser :

Note: Sometimes a pop-up window may be blocked. If you see a message like “Pop-up blocked”, close the pop-up blocker, as explained in the article Authorize Pop-ups.

Access to the Interface

Go to Domain Names -> Domain Management.

  1. Click on the domain to be managed:
  1. The Domain management interface appears :

Note: The content of the interface varies, depending on the top-level domain. For example, .fr and .co domains have their own features.

Note: Clear the cache or log in again if you have trouble opening the interface.

Account Informations

In the upper left corner of the interface, the domain name is displayed in blue. In addition, a link to the domain’s invoice is available if you need to pay attention to it. Finally, the Account Informations as such is centralized:

Account InfoDefinitions
Registration DateDate when the domain was first registered at PlanetHoster.
StatusThe status can be :
-Active: the domain is usable.
-Cancelled: the domain no longer exists.
-Pending: the domain is not yet available.
-Suspended: the domain is temporarily unavailable.
Expiration DateDate on which the domain will automatically expire if it is not renewed by then.
Days Until ExpirationNumber of days between today’s date and the expiration date.
Next Invoice DueDeadline by which the invoice must be paid.
Payment MethodPayment method on the invoice associated with the domain.
First Payment AmountAmount of the first payment made for this domain.
Recurring AmountAmount paid for automatic renewal.
Account Informations

Domain Options

Account Permission

It is possible to allow any user of another account with PlanetHoster to use the domain name on their own The World hosting plan.

To do so, you just need to enter the email of this user associated with your PlanetHoster account and click on the Allow button. A message will then confirm the success of the operation.

WHOIS Protection

Note: WHOIS protection is not available for .ca and .fr accounts.

Private WHOIS allows you to hide the information usually available through WHOIS servers (please refer to the article How to Activate the Private WHOIS On a Domain Name for the details).

Locking and Unlocking, and Transferring a Domain Name from PlanetHoster to Another Registrar

With PlanetHoster you can lock your domain, so that no one can try to transfer your domain without your knowledge.

On the other hand, if you decide to transfer a domain from PlanetHoster to another registrar, any lock must be disabled beforehand, otherwise you would not be able to recover your AuthInfo.

This portion of the screen allows you to easily activate or deactivate the lock. Thus, if it is activated, you will see this:

If the lock is disabled, the Retrieve AuthInfo by Email button is available:

The Modifiy AuthInfo is useful if needed, too.

Note : The Afnic lock is a paying option. If the domain is part of it (for example, .fr domains), the Lock section is not displayed. Instead, only the Retrieve Authinfo by Email button is displayed.

Please see the article How to Obtain an AuthInfo Code for a Domain Name to obtain more details.


DNSSec is a security technology that encrypts the information returned by your DNS server(s). You must configure it on your web server and activate it on your domain, as explained in the article How to Enable and Disable DNSSEC.

If your domain is not hosted at PlanetHoster, you can click directly on the Activate DNSSEC button.

On the other hand, if your domain is hosted at PlanetHoster, you should use the hosting panel.

Automatic and Scheduled Renewal

When the Automatic Renewal option is enabled, PlanetHoster will automatically generate a new invoice for you 20 days before the domain expires (please refer to the article How to Cancel Domain Name and Activate Auto-Renewal).

You can also plan a domain name renewal over several years (please refer to the article How to Plan Domain Name Renewal Over Several Years).

Desactivation of the Domain

It is also possible in this interface to delete your domain name registration (please refer to the article How to Delete a Domain Name Registration).

Note: Registration deletion is not available for top level domains.

Transfer a Domain

Note : This feature is only available for top level domains.

You can decide to transfer your domain to another registrar. You just have to enter the tag of the new registrar and click on the Send button:

WHOIS Informations

It is absolutely necessary that contact points are defined for exchanges related to your domains (veuillez vous référer à l’article How to Change the WHOIS of a Domain Name).

How to Confirm a Contact

You may occasionally see this message:

This means that the contact must confirm his identity with dnsbelgium, as explained in the article Belgium (.be) Domain Specifications.


It is possible to choose which nameservers you want your domains to point to (How to Modify the Nameservers of a Domain Name).

DNS Management and Domain Redirection

DNS Management

You may need to create and modify zone records to control the operation of the DNS. The steps to follow depend on whether the domain is hosted at PlanetHoster or not.

Note: If you need to change your DNS zone, we strongly advise you not to delete the existing entries.

Domain Hosted at PlanetHoster

If your domain is hosted at PlanetHoster, DNS management can only be done from N0C (or cPanel, if the transition was not done). As a matter of fact, you will see the message Please use your hosting panel to change these values, as illustrated below:

Domain Not Hosted at PlanetHoster

If your domain is not hosted at PlanetHoster, PlanetHoster N0C name servers (,, are used and no DNS zone exists yet, you will see the Create DNS Zone button:

Under the same conditions, except that your DNS zone has already been created, the Open DNS Manager button is immediately displayed:

Note : DNS management is also intended for users whose domains are not hosted at all and who need a DNS zone to create their own custom entries.

In short, you must :

  1. if required, create a DNS zone using the Create DNS Zone button;
  2. click on the Open DNS Manager button;
  3. use the DNS Management interface to modify your DNS zone (How to Manage DNS):

Domain Redirection

Customers who do not have a hosting account with PlanetHoster have the ability, from their member area, to do redirects. In other words, they can redirect their registered domain to any domain, as explained in the article How to Redirect Your Domain to Another (Webpage, Facebook, Twitter, Likedin, etc.).

Glue Records

The Activate GlueRecords button allows you to create your name servers (How to Register Custom Nameservers on HybridCloud).

Registry Lock

The registry lock provides additional protection for the domain for which it has been activated (please refer to the article How to Manage the Registry Lock).


It is possible to allow one or more sub-contacts to see the details of a domain and even manage its settings:

  1. Go to My Account – > Contacts – > Add New Contact and fill in the fields to identify him.
  1. Check the box under Activate Sub-Account, choose the appropriate Sub-account Permissions (View Domains and/or Manage Domain Settings) and click on the Submit button.
Updated on 19 February 2025

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