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  4. How to Migrate to N0C LiteSpeed

How to Migrate to N0C LiteSpeed


The purpose of this article is to explain how to migrate from an Apache server to a LiteSpeed Enterprise server when you have an N0C panel.

This migration is done in three stages:

  • Preparations.
  • Migration.
  • Activation of the LSCache extension.

Note : The PlanetHoster Glossary contains explanations on multiple topics and can be consulted to clarify certain terms.


Enter the following address in your web browserhttps://my.planethoster.com.

Step 1 — Preparations

By referring to the article The World: Getting Started Guide, you should take the following steps before migrating.

  • Make sure you have a Pro package.
  • Choose server resources with a minimum of 8 CPU, 16 GB RAM and 16 MB/s IO for each web hosting account.

Step 2 — Migration

Migration takes place via the Account Management interface. Please refer to the article How the Hosting Management Interface Works to know how to open it.

  1. After opening the Account Management interface, proceed with the migration request. The approach depends on the display selected:
  • If tabular display of hosting accounts is enabled, tick the domains(s) to be migrated and click on the Migrate to LiteSpeed button:
  • If the detailed display of hosting accounts is enabled, place your mouse over the dialog box of the domain to be migrated and click on the Migrate to LiteSpeed button:
  1. If you have sufficient resources, you can confirm the migration by clicking on the Migrate button:
  1. The PlanetHoster team will then e-mail you an acknowledgement of receipt of the migration request, informing you of the actions to be taken.

It is also possible to migrate via the account details interface. Please refer to the article How to Use the Account Details.

Step 3 — Activation of the LSCache extension

The installation of the LSCache extension depends on the CMS you are using. Please refer to this site where the extensions are available: https://www.litespeedtech.com/products/cache-plugins.

Special Case

The LSCache CMS plugin will not install if another cache plugin is detected. For example, if WP-Rocket is already installed on a hosted WordPress, it is mandatory to remove it before installing the LSCache plugin.

Sometimes this is not enough because when you disable/delete WP-Rocket, it leaves the file /public_html/wp-content/advanced-cache.php and LiteSpeed Plugin is not able to proceed.

You must manually delete the file /public_html/wp-content/advanced-cache.php if it includes the term “define( ‘WP_ROCKET_ADVANCED_CACHE’, true );”

Updated on 5 February 2025

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