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  4. What Are the Country-Code Domain Specifications

What Are the Country-Code Domain Specifications


In this article, we will explain the policies regarding countries whose country-code TLDs are supported at PlanetHoster.

The reader is encouraged to understand all the concepts and terms outlined in the Basics before proceeding further with this article. In fact, this article is written on the premise that the reader is familiar with the terminology used.


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Registration Domains and TLD Registration

public suffix is a domain under which users can directly register a domain name

Mozilla maintains an (incomplete) list of these domains

In contrast, many organizations administer TLDs and domain name registries. These domain names are called registered domains

These organizations must approve each TLD registration request. PlanetHoster is accredited as a registrar with some of these organizations; in other words, PlanetHoster is authorized to register multiple TLDs, support specific domains, and assist users in renting domain names from a domain name registry.

Users are free to create as many sub-domains of the registered domain as they wish. For example, if the are the holder of a hypothetical registered domain abc.xyz.ca, they can create the sub-domain “mysub-domain” : mysub-domain.abc.xyz.ca

Additional Domain Fields Definition

TLD organizations require certain information to authorize registered domains. When a client wishes to register a domain with a country-code TLD, this information must be recorded in “Additional Domain Fields“.

As a PlanetHoster customer ordering a domain, you must answer questions specific to such fields on an electronic form and explain what you intend to do with your domain.

1. Make the registration of the domain:

2. Fill in the requested Additional Domain Fields:

Once the form is completed, PlanetHoster will make sure that you justify your interest to the organization that administers the registry containing the ccTLD in question. PlanetHoster also takes care of adapting the code according to what you have entered in the form, i.e. PlanetHoster adds the fields to the extensions in the code. 

In the code, the Name field is the key name used to reference the field in modules. As an example, in the case of ccTLD “us“, three Name fields must be filled in specifically according to the user’s requests: the Nexus Category field (Nexus Code), the Nexus Country field and the Application Purpose field.

Generic TLDs Supported by PlanetHoster

PlanetHoster has chosen to support certain generic TLDs such as, for example, all those controlled by Donuts Inc.

Country-Code Domains Supported by PlanetHoster

As of November 2024, PlanetHoster supports the ccTLDs of the following countries:

.euEuropean Union
.usUnited States of America
.ukUnited Kingdom

Special Conditions for Country-Code Domains

When a PlanetHoster client wishes to create a domain with a ccTLD, not only must they justify their request by filling out the form we have already discussed – which particularly allows the fields to be filled out adequately – but they must also comply with the policies specific to the country. 

These policies are documented in separate articles for each country. Please click on the Links to Articles in the following table to read the articles. 

TLDLinks to Articles
.beBelgium (.be) Domain Specifications
.caCanada (.ca) Domain Specifications
.chSwitzerland (.ch) Domain Specifications
.deRules-Restrictions Related to Domains Registered at DENIC (.de)
.ukUnited Kingdom (.uk) Domain Specifications
.esSpain (.es) Domain Specifications
.euEuropean union (.eu) Domain Specifications
.frFrance (.fr) Domain Specifications
.fr, .re, .tf, .wf, .pm & .ytRules-Restrictions Related to Domains Registered at AFNIC
.luLuxembourg (.lu) Domain Specifications
.mgMadagascar (.mg) Domain Specifications
.usUnited States of America (.us) Domain Specifications

As of November 2024, there were no special conditions to be taken into account when requesting a national Top Level Domain from Ivory Coast and Senegal. For more details about:

Updated on 31 October 2024

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